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Ascenium Redefines Computing Technology

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Ascenium’s compiler-driven General Purpose Accelerator (Aptos) is a real challenger to all existing general-purpose CPU technology. It accelerates all generic code and is 100% source-code compatible with industry-standard LLVM compiler, coupled with a novel CPU architecture.

Jo Uthus og Øyvind Harboe i Ascenium

Eliminating Performance Barriers

Global data centers currently rely on complex out-of-order RISC CPU architectures to achieve performance. However, Moore’s Law is unable to improve performance, and traditional CPUs have struggled for a decade to enhance architectural compute efficiency. This has resulted in performance barriers and escalating energy costs.

The Ascenium Aptos General Purpose Accelerator overcomes these inefficiencies by introducing a simplified, highly parallel CPU architecture. Aptos compiles standard high-level language software without modification and achieves up to 4x efficiency compared to current state-of-the-art CPUs.

Jo Uthus og Øyvind Harboe i Ascenium
Ascenium Øyvind Harboe og Trond Hellem Bø – Principal Engineer

The Ascenium Aptos

  • A pioneering compiler-driven General Purpose Accelerator (GPA)
  • Accelerates all generic code without the need for rewriting
  • Achieves 100% source-code compatibility across major programming languages, enabled by the industry-standard LLVM compiler framework
  • Enhances code-scheduling by resolving the majority of tasks within the compiler
  • Executes code efficiently in a single-threaded parallel Aptos Slice CPU
  • Boasts a novel processor implementation with over 70 patents in 35 patent families
Ascenium Øyvind Harboe og Trond Hellem Bø – Principal Engineer

Key Benefits

Performance Efficiency

Aptos offers significantly higher performance compared to traditional CPUs, enabling faster execution of various computational tasks.

Energy Efficiency

Aptos is designed to optimize energy usage, resulting in lower power consumption, reduced operating costs, and a decrease in carbon footprint.

Greener Computing

Aptos contributes to more sustainable computing practices by reducing energy usage and emissions in global data centers.

Cost savings

Due to its improved performance and energy efficiency, the General Purpose Accelerator can lead to cost savings for organizations by reducing operational expenses.

Ascenium Vegard Strand Lende – Principal Engineer
Ascenium Vegard Strand Lende – Principal Engineer 9x16
– Claiming to think outside the box is one thing – doing it is another. It’s meaningful to be part of a team making ‘the impossible’ possible.
Vegard Strand Lende | Principal Engineer

Key Benefits

Performance Efficiency

Aptos offers significantly higher performance compared to traditional CPUs, enabling faster execution of various computational tasks.

Energy Efficiency

Aptos is designed to optimize energy usage, resulting in lower power consumption, reduced operating costs, and a decrease in carbon footprint.

Greener Computing

Aptos contributes to more sustainable computing practices by reducing energy usage and emissions in global data centers.

Cost savings

Due to its improved performance and energy efficiency, the General Purpose Accelerator can lead to cost savings for organizations by reducing operational expenses.


What distinguishes a General Purpose Accelerator from traditional CPUs?

The key difference lies in the compiler technology used to resolve code complexity at compile-time, like GPUs, allowing a simplified, highly parallel processor architecture. This technology bypasses present inefficiencies in complex our-of-order CPU required for x86 and classic RISC architectures.

Why can’t all software be accelerated using GPU technology?

Highly compute-intensive, parallelized AI software already benefits from GPU-based technologies designed for parallel operation. GPUs achieve orders of magnitude efficiency improvements compared to traditional CPUs like Intel’s x86 and ARM-based computers.

However, despite GPU advancements, about 90% of software, written in standard languages like C++, C, and Fortran, remains incompatible with GPU acceleration.

Therefore, there is a need for a solution addressing generic non-AI code.

How does Ascenium Aptos achieve 4x efficiency?

The Ascenium Aptos General-Purpose Accelerator compiles any standard high-level language software without modification, and executes applications in a highly parallel, simplified CPU architecture.

– Did you know that the energy consumption of global data centers matches that of international air traffic on an annual basis? With more energy-efficient CPUs, we can improve performance and reduce carbon footprint at the same time.